How many websites can one server build?

A single server can theoretically host countless websites, and the answer depends on several key factors:

  1. Hardware resources: The hardware configuration of the server (CPU, memory, hard disk space, network bandwidth, etc.) determines the number of websites it can host. The higher the configuration, the more websites can be hosted.
  2. Software configuration and optimization: Virtualization technologies (such as containers or virtual hosting) allow for more efficient use of server resources, with each website assigned a separate pool of resources, so that more websites can be run on a single physical server.
  3. Website Type and size: Small static websites require fewer resources than large dynamic websites, so the server can accommodate more small websites.
  4. Port and domain mapping: By using different port numbers or subdomain names in combination with reverse proxy (such as Nginx’s web hosting configuration) technology, multiple websites can be served on port 80 under a single IP address without conflict.
  5. Compliance and filing restrictions: In China, due to relevant policy requirements, the number of websites registered on a server is limited, such as the mentioned cloud server can only record a maximum of 5 website domains. However, unfiled domain names can also point to different sites on the same server, but such sites are not publicly accessible.

In summary, how many websites can be built by a server is the result of comprehensive consideration, which needs to be analyzed in combination with the actual situation. In the actual operation and maintenance process, the server resources should be reasonably planned and allocated in order to ensure that each website is stable and responds quickly to user requests.

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