Free 10 years of serv00 virtual hosting, free VPS and WordPress tutorial! Limited quota, first come first served!

There are many virtual hosting providers on the market, but basically all of them charge a fee. The free ones also have many restrictions, but the restrictions are quite numerous. After using them for a while, I feel that serv00 is more suitable. It has 3g of storage space, with a database, and 512mb of memory allocated (which is enough for ordinary web pages). It can also use ssh, and supports opening a small number of ports, unlimited traffic , and a subdomain. The most important thing is that it is free and has no ads. The only requirement is that you need to log in to the backend or ssh once a month, otherwise your account will be deleted. As long as you go to the backend once a month, you can keep it active.

1. Register a serv00 account

Click the “Register an account” button

Brief description: 3G storage space, 512M storage, unlimited transfer, 16 databases and 100 websites, 3 port numbers, SSH login, free second-level domain name, free SSL, support PHP, Python, Java, Go, C, C++, MySql, etc., daily backup, permanently free.

Click the create account button to register

Note : “Username”, the system will automatically generate a secondary domain name based on this

Instructions – from top to bottom: Name, Last Name, Username when logging in, Email, Verification Code, Estimated Fee (fill in 0), Check the Agreement, and click Create Account to create an account.

If this prompt appears when creating a user, it means that your username already exists. This username is also the prefix of your domain name. Change the username and submit again.

At this point, the account has been created successfully. He said: The account has been created successfully, and the detailed information has been sent to the email address you provided. Keep this email properly, it records all the information about your account and VPS. is your free secondary domain name, which is equipped with SSL by default.

2. Log in

Find the DevilWEB webpanel (server visual management panel address) in the email: Open the browser, enter the username and password, and click Login.

After logging in, open www.websites and you can see that a website has been created.

2.1 Use your own domain name

www websites -> +Add new website -> fill in your own domain name

After adding, enter DNS zones, edit the domain name you just added, and check the domain name a record (that is, the server address of the domain name resolution). This IP is the actual IP address of the website you will build later.

DNS zones -> Click Edit

Then log in to the resolution provider of your own domain name, add an IPv4 resolution for this domain name, fill in the IP address you just obtained, and you can complete adding the domain name.

3. Create mysql database

Click MySql -> +Add database to create a database, because WordPress uses MySql.

Fill in the database name, database user and password and click Add to create. After successful creation, you can see it in the Database list. Record all the content you just filled in.

4. Use ssh to log in to the host and download wordpress

Use the above address, username and password to log in to SSH (you can find it in the email)

Then we find the site folder through the command

cd domains                                      
cd public_html                                 

WordPress installation package link:

WordPress Chinese installation package link:

cd wordpress
mv * ../                                
cd ..

Now we can access the domain name and install word press

5. Download WordPress without using SSH to log in to the host

First go to the official website of wp to download the latest file ( ), then enter the virtual host console-File manager, and enter the virtual host file management interface.

After entering the file management interface, enter domains (this folder is the website storage directory) and select the folder of the corresponding website (that is, the folder starting with the domain name). In step 2, I added my own domain name. If you choose to use the subdomain provided by serv00, enter the folder with the name of the subdomain. Then enter the public_html subfolder and click Send-From computer to upload the wp compressed package just downloaded from the local computer (the downloaded compressed package does not need to be decompressed).

Drag the downloaded wp compressed package in and wait for the upload to complete

Upload Successfully

After uploading the corresponding compressed package, if you cannot see the file you uploaded, you can refresh the webpage, then select index.html in the public_html folder and delete it. Be sure to delete it first, otherwise you will get an error when you unzip the compressed package later.

Right click and select extract.

Unzip it into the public_html folder.

You can see that the compressed package can be expanded

Select the wordpress folder, right click, and extract it again to the public_html folder.

You can see that there is a wordpress folder in public_html.

6. Install WordPress

After unzipping the compressed package, open the corresponding domain name in the browser to enter the wp initialization interface. If the browser prompts 502 or 503 errors after opening, it means that the virtual host is still being deployed. Wait a few minutes before opening it.

Select the language and click Continue all the way.

Configure database information: fill in the database information just created for database name, user name, and password

The database host needs to be filled in with the address just obtained, not the localhost in the picture (which is the MySQL server: address in the email)

The table prefix is ​​the default and then submitted.

If the database information is correct, you can proceed to the last step

Configure wp administrator information: the site title is the name of your website, the username and password are used to log in to the WordPress management backend, and the email address here can be your real email address. If you don’t want to be included, you can also check “Recommend search engines not to index this site.”

Click Install, wait for the installation to complete, and access your domain name in the browser

At this point, WordPress is installed.

7. Log in to the WordPress backend.

Add /wp-admin/ after your domain name, which is the management and backend of your WordPress. Fill in your username and password to log in.

After logging in, you can manage themes, articles, etc. on wp, but due to space constraints, detailed tutorials related to WordPress will be opened in a separate series, and this article will not introduce related content for the time being.

8. Idea

1. Errors like this may occur at any stage of the installation. This error means that the server is being configured/deployed. Please try again later. Just wait for a while and refresh the browser.

2. Serv00 itself does not limit the traffic, but please do not abuse it, otherwise your account will be blocked.

3. Since the serv00 server is in Europe, domestic access is very slow. At this time, you can use the free CDN of Cloudflare (CF for short) to speed up. Of course, it won’t cost much more to use CF, but please remember that it is free. If you spend money, there won’t be so many problems.

4. Please back up your important data in time. If your account is deleted due to abuse or long-term inactivity, the data cannot be recovered.

5. Serv00 requires logging in to ssh or console once every three months. There are scripts online, but I have not tested them so I will not release them. I only recommend manually logging in to the backend or ssh every month.

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